Takilma Common Ground was created in 1994 to increase communication and stimulate discussion. Haphazardly recording our local history, it is published four times a year, somewhat in conjunction with the Solstices and Equinoxes. Common Ground serves as a newsletter, a forum for varied voices, a literary journal, a community bulletin board, you name it. It relies upon voluntary contributions for every aspect of its existence, from submissions material to editing, all the way to folding, stapling, and mailing, we depend on you. The buttons below allow you to use a credit or debit card to subscribe, advertise or donate without having a Paypal account. Thanks for the help!
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4 issues
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8 issues
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Subject to space availability. Please include ad materials in separate email or by post.
$26.00 for 1 issue
$67.00 for 4 issues
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$4.32 for 25 words or less
$8.35 for 26-50 words